
Hey Its Me Ur Brother Reddit

Due to its addictive nature as well as being a content aggregator, reddit is naturally highly susceptible to Memetic Mutation.

Note that the threads that originated many of these, and more, are archived on /r/MuseumOfReddit.

References to famous comments and threads:

  • Broken arms Explanation (Warning: NSFW) A reference to an AMA of a man who as a teenager lost the use of his arms (contrary to what the meme says, he did not break them) and was frustrated because he couldn't masturbate. His mom "helped" him, and they eventually had sex. In general, this meme is bound to crop up on threads discussing broken arms, and incidents or news articles that feature them.
  • "You like that, you fucking retard?" Explanation In response to an /r/AskReddit post about the worst things people have said during sex, one poster claimed his friend said this.
  • Cumbox / Jolly Ranchers / Doritos / Swamps of Dagobah / Coconuts / etc. Explanation Each of these are references to stories depicting something of extremely disgusting nature that long-time redditors are familiar with.
    • For context... (NSFW/NSFL, get Brain Bleach ready)
      • Cumbox A poster on r/AskReddit revealed that every time he masturbated, he ejaculated into a shoebox. It smelled "atrocious", and he desperately tried to get rid of it by burning it. However, the box was so damp from his semen that it just sizzled and made the smell much worse. Even worse, an update to the post revealed that, due to the poster moving to a damper apartment, there was now mold growing on it. Oh, and the poster added pictures of it, too.
      • Jolly Ranchers Another poster on r/AskReddit knew someone with a long-distance girlfriend who flew to visit him in college. The person being referenced apparently decided to perform cunnilingus on his girlfriend like he had many times before, but she smelled awful and tasted worse this time, so he popped a Jolly Rancher in his mouth to try and cover up the taste. He deposited the candy in her by accident and quickly retrieved it before biting into it, only to immediately vomit after it exploded in his mouth. Turns out that it was actually a gonorrhea nodule the size of a Jolly Rancher, as she had cheated on him months prior, and now the poor boyfriend had an unfaithful girlfriend, a mouth full of infected pus, and gonorrhea of the mouth plus any number of other things.
      • Doritos Yet another poster on r/AskReddit had a family friend who worked at a convalescent home that housed people with mental disabilities. In particular, a morbidly obese female patient had a specific mental disorder that made her think literally everything was food. One day, another patient told the worker that the woman had stolen his Doritos, so they went to her room to retrieve the chips. They found the lady there, lying on her bed naked, dipping the chips into an almost gelatinous discharge from her vagina, and then eating them while smiling as the discharge dripped down her chin.
      • Swamps of Dagobah Yet another poster on r/AskReddit worked as a nurse and recounted the tale of the time that a morbidly obese patient came in with a perirectal abscess that needed to be lanced (likely due to extensive intravenous drug usage). The abscess was far larger than any of them knew (having tunneled into the patient's abdomen), and one incision literally flooded the room with untold amounts of pus, feces, blood, and rotten tissue that splattered all over the staff. The entire section of the hospital reeked from the stench, and the entire suite was quarantined for several days just to get the smell out after it had been cleaned. The incident made the grizzled ex-Army surgeon utter the only complaint that OP had ever heard from them: "That was bad."
      • Coconuts A poster on r/TodayIFuckedUp recalled how they masturbated with a coconut for a week until they discovered during one of their "sessions" that it was filled with maggots, since they never bothered to dispose of the coconut. This led to a bunch of people who didn't learn anything from this story to try this themselves, which went about as well as you'd expect - mostly Groin Attacks.
  • Sticky notes Explanation From a post where the OP claimed his landlord was stalking him and leaving mysterious post-it notes in his surroundings. In an incredible luck break, another Redditor correctly guessed the OP had dangerous levels of CO poisoning. Nowadays, anytime carbon monoxide comes up in a thread, there's a comment about sticky notes not far behind.
    • Along the same lines, suggesting that someone get a CO detector in any situation remotely resembling the original sticky note guy's.
  • Kevin. Explanation Comes from this user's story about the dumbest student he ever taught. Kevin couldn't tell the difference between dogs and cats and once tazed himself in the neck (and the taser wasn't found on or anywhere near him when the ambulance arrived), among other things. His parents were equally as incompetent.
  • "We did it, Reddit!" Explanation It's a phrase that makes fun of Reddit taking credit for something that it was not responsible for. Or alternatively, it's also used as a sarcastic celebration for achieving something of no importance in a comment chain. More recent instances of the phrase are also a reference to the Reddit Boston bomber fiasco.
  • Geraffes are dumb./Stupid long horses./[ascii art of a giraffe with a disapproving look] Explanation Someone called giraffes dumb as a response to a picture of a giraffe licking a painting, and in accordance to Murphy's Law, spelled it "geraffe", then made a series of increasingly funny/bizarre edits complaining about downvotes.
  • "It went okay." Explanation From a post where the poster claimed that his female roommate would masturbate daily and that he planned to walk in on her. When he finally did, "it went okay."
  • COLBY 20xx! Explanation A reference to a four-thread story made by a father whose son molested a dog named hobby with a hairbrush. Replace "20xx" with the current year.
  • "Banana for scale". Explanation A running gag/tradition on Reddit — as well as Imgur, its sister site — started by a well-known post where the poster used a banana he was eating as a makeshift scale. Now Redditors and Imgurians posting pictures of objects/animals are often expected to use a banana as a size measurement tool to give other users an idea of how big or small the object/animal is.
  • Albit Einstein/wicked smaht Explanation From a story in which a Spanish user was explaining the difference between the verbs for "to know completely" and "to be familiar with." For example, you could be familiar with Boston, but not know it completely, to which one student responded "Albit Einstein could! He's wicked smaht!"
  • "In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence." Explanation An infamous comment from /r/atheism, from a teenager who thought he was being smart. Immediately exploded and mutated into "euphoria" being short-hand for neckbeardism, especially militant antitheism.
  • Everybody hates Erin. Explanation Originates from a comment in which a girl diagnosed with cancer had a friend named Erin turn on her and tell everyone at her school the girl was faking it for attention.
  • TIL Steve Buscemi served as a firefighter during 9/11. Explanation A ridiculously overused post on the "Today I Learned" subreddit, being used to poke fun at Redditors in general who learned something that's already common knowledge.
  • Fuck Jenny. Explanation Comes from a /r/relationships post where the OP discovers that his wife has been cheating on him. It has since mutated as the epitome of a Jerkass cheating wife.
  • And Timmy fucking died. Explanation "Timmy" is a recurring character in poems by u/Poem_for_your_sprog, and whenever he appears, the last line of the poem is always "...and Timmy fucking died".
  • SIR I ALREADY TOLD YOU I AM NOT A COMPUTER PERSON, YOU ARE REFUSING TO HELP ME SO I AM GOING TO HANG UP Explanation A line spoken to a tech support guy over the phone when dealing with a difficult customer who didn't even know what error messages or even browsers were. Now gets repeated in any thread with somewhat technical details, with "computer" replaced by whatever field is appropriate.
    • Along with this, the surprising amount of computer-illiterate people that print an email, scan it, and email the scanned image instead of just forwarding it (resulting in massive image quality loss) is occasionally lampshaded.
  • We got bamboozled! Explanation A Redditor made a self-post in /r/me_irl stating that if their post got 10 000 upvotes within two days, they would get a tattoo of the day's #1 post on their ass. They then posted a reminder of this promise the next day. After it was over, with the required score comfortably reached, they made another post proudly proclaiming that they had no intention of getting the tattoo and that Reddit had been bamboozled. This resulted in the word "bamboozle" becoming the Egregious of Reddit for a while.
  • NEXT!! Explanation This meme references an /r/insanepeoplefacebook post in which a woman looking to transport 20 people from the airport to church dismissed all available offers for trivial reasons and exclaimed "NEXT!!" after each refusal.
  • Pancakes Explanation Used on r/HFY(Humanity, Fuck Yeah!) as slang for "romantic liaisons" between a human and a xeno, usually referring to stories that are NSFW. Comes from the very first NSFW original story ever posted on the subreddit, which was called Pancakes
  • Pride and accomplishment Explanation The most downvoted comment in Reddit history was when Electronic Arts used these words to justify the lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II (2017).
  • "Explain it, Peter" Explanation One post from /r/okbuddyretard ironically had Peter Griffin explain a not-so-subtle jab at Barack Obama. This lead the creation of /r/explainitpeter and multiple posts and comments about Peter explaining a (typically bad) joke, usually with a Wall of Text.
  • He boomed me Explanation A tweet that described Boston Celtics player Jayson Tatum dunking on LeBron James in a crucial elimination game and the latter expressing his admiration for the former quickly caught on like wildfire on /r/nba and spread to the rest of the website in short time.
  • The Iranian yogurt is not the issue here. explanation From a thread on r/AmItheAsshole in which a woman threw out her boyfriend's massive collection of yogurt (much of which had gone rancid, because it's yogurt). She mentioned that when she brought up the concern that the Iranian yogurt might have been in violation of trade sanctions, he retorted that "the Iranian yogurt is not the issue here". As the thread was eager to point out, this was definitely a true statement (if not in at all the way he had meant it), and it quickly became a byword for when people post about a highly-dysfunctional relationship but only focus on one small issue.

Everything else:

  • Kill It with Fire as a typical reaction to centipedes, arachnids, and the like.
  • "No, that's [blank]. You're talking about [phrase].": These are long-running threads about a poster mistaking something for something that sounds similar (the [blank]). The [phrase] will be a description of something else that sounds similar, which the next poster will similarly debunk. Example.
  • SO BRAVE: Said in response to someone declaring a widely held opinion, such as "Creationists are stupid". As of late, also applies to stereotypical Reddit views, such as militant atheism, in the same vein as 'euphoria'.
  • "My autistic army veteran gay cat brother drew this on his deathbed" and variations Explanation Making fun of people's tendency to include a sob story for a picture in the title, fishing for upvotes.
  • "Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?" A traditional AMA question.
  • "You have been banned from /r/pyongyang" Refers to an incident where posters of /r/MURICA! invaded and vandalized the /r/pyongyang subreddit with American silliness. /r/pyongyang completely shut itself off from public viewing and banned everyone involved. Now anytime a negative statement about North Korea is made on the site, someone will respond like this.
    • Alternately: "You are now a moderator of /r/pyongyang" for positive statements about North Korea.
      • /r/pingpong has been getting involved due to the similar names. The general formula is that if you're 'banned' from /r/pyongyang, you become a moderator of /r/pingpong and vice versa.
  • Ah, the ol' Reddit switcharoo. Explanation Somewhat complex. When someone makes a joke that plays off the original poster's ambiguous description by deliberately highlighting the least relevant of two or more subjects depicted in the image or video, which is in itself a meme, someone else is obligated to make a comment "Ah, the ol' Reddit switcharoo" that links to the last "switcharoo" comment they've seen, resulting in a chain of links that at the moment sprawls thousands of comments.
    • Hold my ___, I'm going in!
      • Hello future people! Explanation There's a lot of people who go back through the roos. And yes, someone called u/Future_People is replying 'Hello!'.
      • Watch out for the ___!
      • IM ALREADY IN TOO DEEP DAMN IT. I HAVE NO CHOICE HERE WE GOOOOOOOOO Explanation u/Allmightyexodia posts this when going through some switcharoos. He has several followers - some persisted, whilst others were lost to the rabbit hole.
  • Reddit Enhancement SuiteReddit Enhancement SuiteReddit Enhancement SuiteReddit Enhancement SuiteReddit Enhancement SuiteReddit Enhancement SuiteReddit Enhancement Suite Explanation A popular browser extension has a shortcut inserting its name and link to the official website into a comment, which is prone to abuse, to the point where the extension itself now tells you off if you try to use it too many times in one post.
  • The condoms are under the sink/You could have heard a needle drop/And then everyone clapped/$100%/His name? Albert Einstein/Can confirm, I was the _____/r/thathappened/etc Explanation /r/ThatHappened is dedicated to making fun of obviously made up stories on Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook, and so on. Some select phrases from the most popular stories of that nature, or the subreddit's name, are used to imply that the story is bullshit.
  • Cat. Explanation r/CatsStandingUp has very specific posting rules: any text post on the subreddit must be "Cat." No deviations of any kind are allowed, and anyone who does is banned. The rest of reddit picked up the joke and you can probably find strings of "Cat." comments on any thread related to cats.
    • Cat.
      • Cat.
  • "You have now been banned from /r/planetside. To get unbanned you must write a 500 word essay on how transphobia affecting [blank]." Explanation A mod banned a user for transphobic comments on the Planetside subreddit, though most people believed it was his usage of the word 'trap' (slang term for MTF pre-ops or girly-looking boys). The user in question was ordered to write an essay.
  • Test [something] Please Ignore Explanation This is a running gag that has become the theme for games, mods, teams, guilds, and so on by Redditors. It was based on a test post that had somehow become extremely popular.
    • Reached its logical conclusion when the official Reddit EVE Online alliance was named TEST Alliance Please Ignore.
  • "Bae caught me ________ ." Explanation Used to jokingly mock someone who claims that somebody else did something that they clearly did; bonus points if they claim that it was their significant other, in an effort to make their relationship look cuter than it actually is. It's a reference to this famous post on /r/funny, mocking a woman who tries to pretend that her boyfriend took a picture of her as she was falling asleep—even though her hand can be clearly seen holding a camera in the mirror behind her.
  • "Sexy ladies of Reddit, what's the sexiest sex you ever sexed?" Explanation This is used to satirize r/AskReddit's oversaturation of juvenile sex questions.
  • Obligatory SR-71 Story. Explanation Whenever the SR-71 Blackbird comes in conversation, no matter what the context, a humorous story about an SR-71 crew one-upping a cocky Navy pilot with their far superior speed will be posted.
  • "But what about the $500 million that Trump donated to NAMBLA?" Explanation A running joke in /r/politics satirizing Republican candidate Donald Trump's unprecedented refusal to release his tax returns. It's a Many Questions Fallacy akin to "When did you stop beating your wife?"—since we can't see his tax returns, how do we know that he didn't give millions to a pedophilic organization? The meme transcended Reddit and ended up on numerous news sites, even making to Snopes.
  • "Hey it's Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray". Explanation In both /r/SadCringe and /r/CringeAnarchy, posts about Nikki Blonsky's Twitter posts of her telling celebs she was in the 2007 Hairspray movie has gone a bit memetic, to the point that one user asks someone in the board to make her the face of the former's sub already because of this.
  • Hatred for Kanye West - usually directed at his ego, behavior, and/or music - was popular on frontpage subreddits, usually accompanied with South Park's "fishsticks" joke (wherein a delusional, angry Kanye believes a "fishsticks/fishdicks" joke that became popular in-universe means he is a gay fish, because everything is about him). Enough angry music fans (mainly from /r/hiphopheads and r/lewronggeneration, the latter dedicated to combating "music [x] decades ago was SO much better than today's music posts) started counter-hate posts mocking the "fishsticks" joke and asking if that person's taste in music includes "someone who's innovated and reinvented rap". Metaposts mocking both circlejerks pop up with gusto, as a result.
  • Talking about The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise. Explanation Also known simply as "Prequel Memes", users parody the dialogue of the Star Wars prequel trilogy by quoting it wherever and whenever possible, sometimes with slight modifications to fit the topic at hand. Usually the scene being parodied is Palpatine's telling the story of Darth Plagueis, which is so ingrained, that in situations that show a person or thing able to save others but not themselves, comments will often simply state "Ironic." and leave out the rest. Other lines include Anakin's "I don't like sand" speech, "Now THIS is podracing", "A fine addition to my collection", and "I'll try spinning; that's a good trick!"
  • Hi Karin! Explanation Whenever talks of the Church of Happyology crop up, expect someone to post this, since Leah Remini of The King of Queens fame outed a member named Karin who'd always reads anything on Reddit related to said church.
  • Do not be distracted by the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16ft through an announcer's table. Explanation A popular form a Bait-and-Switch Comment, a person will comment about something they remember, but will abruptly end like that time when in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16ft through an announcer's table.
  • Me too thanks. Explanation A variant of classic useless "I agree" type posts that have existed since shortly after the creation of the internet. It started in /r/meirl in 2015 and eventually spread through the site, either to jokingly join in on karma trains or as a stock reply when the topic of useless comments comes up.
  • Risky click of the day. Explanation If there's a conversation that alludes to Not Safe for Work elements, and a reply is made providing an external link without elaboration on where it's linking to, chances are someone will reply with this. These links are usually safe. If you're really unsure, however, you can ask /u/Clicksonlinks to click it for you.
  • WaterGuy12 Explanation On July 30th, 2017, a user named Waterguy12 posted on me_irl and said that his internet would go out until the 14th, requesting that people tag him in every good meme they see. This became incredibly popular, and people tagged him in almost every post on the subreddit (some even tagged him on posts in /r/EnoughInternet and /r/NoMorals), resulting in him getting over 60,000 tags when he returned. This also spawned multiple imitations (Like Fireguy12 as a Sitcom Arch-Nemesis), and even his own subreddit. Even as he returned, people still tag him in posts as of his writing.
  • "If this post gets x upvotes I'll post it again with double the y." Explanation Started off with someone doing this with frogs, where he doubled the amount of frog pictures every time he got enough upvotes, racking him so much karma that he got shadowbanned from me_irl.
  • "Are you that guy from the Warlizard Gaming Forum?" ಠ_ಠ Explanation A user by the name of Warlizard will often get asked this question for no reason whenever he posts, which he always responds to with the ಠ_ಠ emoji. Apparently started as another user trolling Warlizard by constantly asking about the (fictitious) Warlizard Gaming Forum, but he found it funny and now plays along with it.
  • Turn that frown upside down... now listen here you little shit. Explanation A common exchange after someone posts a "frown" emoticon :( is for someone else to say "Turn that frown upside-down!" The first will respond with ): and the second will say "Now listen here, you little shit...".
  • Fuck You, Karen/Karen is the worst Explanation From a user known as Fuck_You_Karen (now Fuck_You_Karen_ due to their account being hacked by Karen), who posts almost always relate to how terrible his ex-girlfriend Karen is. Became so popular that Karen is now shorthand for a hypothetical woman who believes they hold privileges, to the point that there is now a subreddit called r/FuckYouKaren, and many users don't actually know where the name came from
  • And then my dad beat me with jumper cables. Explanation User u/rogersimon10's anecdotes always result in his dad beating him with jumper cables.
  • General Reposti! Explanation A play on General Grievous's line in Revenge of the Sith, this phrase was used to call out unmarked reposts first on /r/prequelmemes but has spread to pretty much every fan sub and then some.
  • Sweet Home Alabama / Roll Tide Explanation Any incest joke, or something with an Incest Subtext, given the Deep South's infamy for this, will earn this. If not a link to r/sweethomealabama.
  • Excgarated. Explanation A misspelling of "exaggerated" which was so uniquely incorrect that others who ran the "word" through Google (while the post was still new) brought up only that post. It got to the point where a subreddit named after the misspelling dedicated to other humorously bad misspellings was formed in its wake.
  • "Egg" as slang for a transgender person who doesn't realize they're trans. Explanation "Cracking your egg" has become slang on several subreddits for realizing that you're trans. This has in itself led to the egg_irl subreddit, which is all about memes concerning trans people before they fully realized they were trans.
  • "Music was better when John Lennon was beating his wife!" Explanation A meme from r/RapMoreLikeCrap satirizing people who ghettoize Hip-Hop, it later spread other subs, often being used to also mock users who hate modern-day music
  • r/RedditSings Explanation The habit of Redditors posting a line from a song in a thread, then other Redditors continuing the song, line by line. Eventually got the eponymous subreddit cataloging such incidents.
  • Beetlejuicing explanation A form of Speak of the Devil where a post mentioning something is followed up by a response by a Redditor with a suspiciously appropriate name, and in rare circumstances, by the subject his- or herself. This happens a surprising number of times with, of all people, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Wholesome 100 Keanu Chungus Explanation Frequently used as satire to make fun of the oversaturation of certain memes on popular subs, the most frequent targets being "wholesome" posts, Skyrim skill 100 memes, idolizing Keanu Reeves, and Big Chungus.
    • fortnite bad minecraft good Explanation Similar to the above meme, used to mock gaming subreddits' bias towards both games.
  • Nathan Explanation A meme from r/hiphopcirclejerk, it's used a name for a parody of certain hip-hop fans who hate "mumble (c)rap", only listen to lyrical (and often white) rappers like Eminem, NF, and Logic, and think black people are scary.
  • go white boy go Explanation A meme from the Fortnite subreddit, featuring a teenager complaining about high school and saying that bullies, chanting "go white boy go", make him do the Fortnite dance.
  • r/Woooosh Explanation Used whenever someone doesn't get the joke and/or reference at hand.
  • Wholesome awards/Who the fuck gave this a Wholesome award?! Explanation When awards were introduced to Reddit, one of the free ones was the Wholesome award. This being the internet, said award found more use on things that...aren't very wholesome, to say the least.
  • The GameStop Stock Surge Explanation Due to the GameStop (or GME) retailer's falling stock prices as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, various hedge funds and other companies sought to profit off of it via short selling: the act of "borrowing" a company's stock to sell it, then agreeing to buy it back later, hopefully at a lower price than the profit gained from selling the stock. In other words, betting that the price will continue falling. Members of the /r/WallStreetBets subreddit caught wind of this and collectively decided to screw over the hedge funds and short-sellers by purchasing large numbers of GME stock to drive up its price, forcing them to buy back their borrowed stock at a much higher price than intended. These re-purchases further raised the price of GME stocks, consequently forcing more short sellers to buy back their stocks and raise it even further, resulting in a "short squeeze" that drove up GME's stock price from $17 to a whopping $360 in January 2021, and causing the company to become one of the most traded stocks on Wall Street that month. WSB's shenanigans became a massive source of memes and controversy; many saw it as a hilarious example of the proletariat sticking it up to the bourgeoisie, while others — usually the very hedge funds who were hit with losses courtesy of WSB — criticized it as blatant manipulation of the stock market. The latter in turn were criticized and mocked by supporters of the campaign, who point out that they are guilty of using the exact same tactics to line their pockets, and are only crying foul now because they're on the receiving end of them.
    • DeepFuckingValue Explanation A prominent /r/WallStreetBets user and one of the key figures of the subreddit's campaign to mess with hedge funds. Following the short squeeze, DeepFuckingValue became the face of said campaign and was elevated into Memetic Badass status.
    • Robinhood Explanation Shortly after GME's stock price spike, Robinhood — a platform that lets users participate in stock trading — responded by restricting trading for GME stocks and other "Reddit stocks" in regards to individual investors, in an attempt to drive down their prices once more... while still allowing hedge funds and Wall Street institutional investors to freely do the same. This move was widely met with backlash from /r/WallStreetBets and the Internet, some of whom noting the sheer irony of a platform named after Robin Hood trying to appease the wealthy elite by keeping commoners from reaping the same rewards as them. The fact that Robinhood previously posted "Let the people trade" on Twitter in 2016 didn't help matters.
    • Retards Explanation A self-deprecating nickname for /r/WallStreetBets users — as many are amateur investors with little to no experience in the field — and a Take That! towards the hedge funds' supposed superiority over the "uneducated peasants"
    • Apes Explanation A nickname adopted after a user made an analogy to the situation using gorillas and bananas .
    • Diamond hands Explanation A WSB slang term for when a trader intends to hold on onto their stocks or securities for a long period of time, no matter the cost. Memes of the GME stock surge often depict hands literally made of diamond as a Visual Pun referring to the term.
  • 3725.95 MPH slap Explanation On the /r/NoStupidQuestions subreddit, a user named MrWaterplant posted a question reading "If kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy, how hard to I have to slap a chicken to cook it?". Three days later, a user and physics major from Facebook posted an answer to the question where he actually went though the trouble of calculating the velocity needed to cook a frozen chicken by slapping it, concluding that one would have to slap it at a velocity 1665.65 m/s or 3725.95 MPH to achieve such a feat. This quickly trascended Reddit and spread like wildfire across the Internet, both due to the absurdity of the concept and the fact that such a silly-sounding question would receive an entirely serious answer.

I mean, me too thanks.

Hey Its Me Ur Brother Reddit


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