
Is It Okay To Store Dslr Camera With Desiccant

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The greatest do good from including silica gel in your camera purse is to go on the inside of the handbag dryer than the outside air when stored at room temperatures that tend to exist adequately moist for long periods of fourth dimension.

If you bring your cameras in from a common cold environment, particularly sub-freezing temperatures and then bag them in a warm, moist environment zippo is going to foreclose problems from condensation. If you bag the photographic camera gear while still in the common cold environment and and then have the bag inside and allow it to sit unopened for enough time to warm to room temperature the boosted insurance of the silica gel tin can't hurt. This is based on the assumption your bag is adequately air tight and doesn't have a lot of voids with air pockets when your gear is stowed. Otherwise you may want to place the camera gear in an air tight plastic bag until information technology has warmed up.

answered Jan 26, 2014 at 1:09

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  • FWIW blown warm air clears up condensation apace. In Kuala Lumpur a butterfly house had a warm air blower inside the entrance to allow people to defog spectacles and camera lenses. I practice not know if the air source had been dehumidified.

    Jan 26, 2014 at 2:28

  • @RussellMcMahon It would just about had to accept been dried air, either with a dedicated dehumidifier or as a result of how it was heated. The colder air is, the less moisture it tin can concur before information technology begins to condensate. That is why a dew point measurement is more precise than relative humidity. The dew bespeak is the temperature at which the electric current corporeality of moisture in the air (regardless of current temperature) is the maximum corporeality of wet the air can hold without being supersaturated. The lower the dew indicate is, the less moisture the air is belongings.

    Jan 26, 2014 at 4:59

  • That would have to exist 'maybe'. I'm aware of the general principles of condensation and dewpoint and relative humdity etc and have pored over[psychrometric charts](.…) for various reasons. I'grand even aware that the normal arguments for camera lens fogging when exposed to common cold air are the inverse of actual(!) Just in this case information technology MAY have just exist a was mounted fan heater. May. Technically that counts as a dehumidifier in that context.

    Jan 26, 2014 at 9:56

  • Camera lenses can and do fog when moved from warm moist air to a colder environs. If a camera lens fogs when exposed to common cold air information technology is because of the warmer moist air inside the lens condensing on the interior surface of the lens elements every bit they and the moist air inside the lens cool.

    Jan 27, 2014 at 0:34

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