
Facebook Ads Cta Button Options

Facebook allows the permission for adding the call to action button on three area such as Facebook Page,  Facebook  Organic  Post, and  Facebook Ads as well. Call to action button helps to drive huge number of facebook audience on your target webpage or Apps as well.

Why to Use of Call to Action Buttons in Facebook

Facebook has various types of call to action buttons, and every CTA button has own specific use. Describe below

Shop Now – This CTA button helps to drive facebook users to your targeting shop store.

Book Now – If you want to expose any event as per your schedule, then "Book Now" CTA button helps to drive facebook audience for booking your appointments.

Contact Us – Use for direct call on given number on the "Contact Us" CTA button to contact person.

Use App – If you are using any mobile App, and want that Apps are downloaded by facebook user then "Use App" CTA button is very useful for you.

Play Game "Play Game" CTA button helps to drive facebook users to  your targeting game portal.

Sign Up For making Email list, you can use "Sign Up" CTA button.

Watch Video Mostly, this CTA button can be used for driving the facebook audience to your campaign video and YouTube Channel as well.

Note – Every CTA button must be correlated with your destination page.

How to Add Call to Action buttons on Facebook Page

There are very simple 5 steps for creating call to action buttons on FB Page. Implement every steps with carefully.

Step 1: Sign in

Ensure your Facebook account is opened. Now you have to go your business page (Facebook Page). "Call to action" buttons are located top of your Facebook Page, where three buttons will be visible such as "Like", "Share", "CTA Button".

Step 2: Select Call to Action Button as per need.

Facebook has been introduced seven types of CTA buttons like as "Sign Up," "Shop Now," "Contact Us," "Book Now," "Use App," Watch Video," and "Play Game". You can select anyone CTA button as per your need, but selected CTA button by you, must be correlated according your goal.

For example – if you want to build list of your subscriber then use Sign Up" CTA button.

Otherwise if your goal is to sell the product then choose the "Shop Now".

Call to action button on facebook page

Step 3: Place your link

When you has selected CTA button then do not forgot to place the link into CTA button because without giving link not possible to drive users to destination page.

If you want to analysis that how many users are clicked on call to action button then you can embedded the unique UTM tracking code.

Step 4 : Select the layout for users

Here, you can select the screen layout for different categories users such as iOS and Android users; otherwise for website or App as well.

Step 5 : Click for "Done"

Ensure all steps are completed then click on the "Create".

Note – If, you want to edit or destroy your created CTA button then again Logging your facebook A/C > go to Business Page and click CTA button for selecting "Edit call-to-action" or "Delete call-to-action".

How to add Call to Action button on Facebook Post

If, you want to increase the probability that number of more organic facebook audience click on CTA button and want to divert more users on the destination page

Do not worry, it is not difficult task. It is very simple but before that I want to mention, you must be use the Power Editor.

If, you ensure download the Power Editor then follow these simple steps for creating call to action buttons on Organic Facebook (FB) Post such as:

  • Open your Power Editor windows.
  • Choose the "Manage Pages" that option is visible on top left drop-down.

CTA button on fb post

  • Click on "Create Post".
  • Then display the new dialog box, and fill that all entries which are given on the dialog box with carefully, and can all CTA button as per your need.

call to action on facebook

  • Now, your Post will be preview, and you can cross check all filled information.
  • If, everything is OK then you can publish this Post.

How to Add Call-to-Action Buttons for Facebook Ads

If,  You want to create call to action button on Facebook ads. Then ensure that you are using Power Editor because without downloading that feature CTA button cannot be added on FB ads. Follow these steps:

  • Define the Ads Name in Ads Name box.
  • Select proper Objective, Mostly to be selected "Click to Website".

call to action on facebook ads

  • Click on "Create New Unpublished Post".
  • Then appear the new dialog box, and fill all information in the dialog box carefully.

call to action on facebook

  • After fill all information, click on the "Create Post".

Now your Ads will be run online with call to action button.

Note – Facebook ads allows displaying the call to action button in the News Feed instead of Sidebar.

Facebook Limitations over Call to Action Buttons

  • Facebook not permitted for customizing your post copy, icon or color as per your choice.
  • You are bound only for seven CTA buttons which are provided by facebook.
  • Call to action buttons are performed well only in facebook ads instead to organic facebook post.
  • Ensure, power editor is installed in your facebook then you can use the CTA buttons in your organic FB post and FB ads as well.

Facebook Ads Cta Button Options


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