
Facebook Approve Comments Before They Are Posted

Require approval for all Facebook photo or comment tags?

I'm furious with a friend for not just taking some pictures of me while I was trying on a dress, and not just posting them to Facebook, but actually tagging me in the pictures too. She thinks it's hilarious but I think it stinks. How can I just stop people tagging me on Facebook so I don't have this issue next time?

Sounds pretty harsh and I'm thinking that you might do a better job of choosing friends to go dress shopping with next time, but yes, there are definitely some people who can do rather hurtful or mean things and then explain them away as some sort of weird joke and then blame you for "not having a sense of humor" when you actually complain. Not the kind of friends I hang around, but I'm also not 18 any more, so perhaps age is a factor. 🙂
Facebook also makes it really easy to tag people in pictures and status updates, even without that person giving approval, and sometimes it can definitely prove unpopular or even downright embarrassing. You can always untag yourself from Facebook photos or comments, but that's after the fact.
What most people don't realize is that there's a way you can set up your privacy settings so that you have to explicitly approve all tags before they show up on Facebook. Meaning that your friend's embarassing pics? You could have simply rejected the tag and no-one'd ever have seen them associated with your account.
Here's how…
Click on the small triangle in the top right corner of any Facebook page to bring up the main menu:

Choose "Privacy Settings" then scroll down to where it says "Timeline and Tagging". It looks like this:

Click on "Edit Settings", then look for the section "Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline", as you can see below:

Turn it "on" and the next time someone tags you their tagging request will show up in your activity list, without actually letting your tag happen:

Click on that particular item and I just know you're going to love what it shows:

You like the tag? Click on the green check mark. Don't like it? Click the "x" and… the tag's cancelled and you're in the clear!
So I'd suggest you go back and remove any tags you don't like, then change your privacy settings so that your girlfriend — or any of your other friends — are prevented from tagging you without your prior approval.

Facebook Approve Comments Before They Are Posted


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